solo works | median c-8 ep (monorail; 2001/1) edition of 100 copies anatomy scum-drum 3" CD-r (monorail; 2002/10) edition of 50 copies disc study 3" CD-r (monorail; 2003/3) edition of 10 copies recycled music c-46 (rrrecords; 2003/3) unlimited edition debilitant c-60 (monorail; 2003/5) edition of 30 copies erase c-46 (monorail; 2003/5) edition of 30 copies stitching c-50 (monorail; 2003/5) edition of 30 copies pure audio failure: live recordings CD-r (monorail; 2003/8) private edition of 19 copies restraint c-10 (truculent; 2003/12) edition of 70 copies facade one-sided c-90 (monorail; 2003/12) private edition of 5 copies woman / evaporating card disc (PACrec; 2004/3) edition of 48 copies volatile CD (hospital productions / truculent recordings; 2004/3) edition of 1000 copies look c-1 (srr; 2004/3) edition of 50 copies (first 25 with brown covers, second 25 with white covers) mechanism c-10 (monorail; 2004/4) private edition of 5 copies live lungmotor c-20 (monorail; 2004/7) first edition of 25 copies (first 5 with creme covers, remaining 20 with brown covers) second edition unlimited reissue (2010/8) damsel c-20 (monorail; 2004/12) edition of 50 copies (first 2 with light grey covers, remaining 48 with dark grey covers) second edition unlimited reissue (2010/8) come-hither c-10 (monorail; 2005/7) edition of 100 copies morose c-10 (callow god) first edition of 50 copies (2005/7) second edition of 50 copies with different cover (2006/1) eternal c-10 (hospital productions; 2005/7) edition of 100 copies clandestine CD-r (lame cunts imagination) edition of 5 copies fatale CD (hospital productions / hanson records) edition of 1000 copies severance c-24 (monorail; 2006/9) edition of 100 copies vestige LP (hospital productions; 2006/10) edition of 300 copies austere CD (monorail; 2009/5) edition of 1000 copies east fork / north fork c-26 (housecraft) first edition of 50 copies (2010/6) second edition of 500 copies, CD (2010/8) kithless LP (arbor; 2012/6) edition of 500 copies eleventh hour c-30 (self-released; 2013/8) edition of 100 copies LP reissue edition of 300 copies (gilgongo records; 2015/10) natural causes 7" (a dear girl called wendy; 2013/12) edition of 100 copies the architector LP / c-40 (monorail; 2015/8) LP edition of 500 copies c-40 edition of 300 copies dyers' hands CD (monorail; 2019/3) edition of 500 copies nostalgia: 2000-06 3xCD (monorail; 2021/2) edition of 500 copies debilitant • erase • stitching c-60 / c-46 / c-50 (monorail; 2021/3) edition of 200 copies |
split works | 'untitled' card disc with chrysalis (cipher productions; 2003/5) edition of 100 copies 'vs. sewage' CD-r ep (freckle; 2003/10) unknown edition 'untitled' c-20 with the cherry point (troniks; 2003/12) edition of 24 copies 'untitled' 7" with armenia (dada drumming; 2004/3) edition of 200 copies (royal blue vinyl -- first 50 with c-8 of same material) 'blood orphanage' c-8 with the cherry point (troniks; 2004/4) edition of 22 copies 'foreshadowing' c-20 with oscillating innards (monorail; 2004/7) edition of 100 copies 'untitled' c-20 with the cherry point (monorail; 2004/7) edition of 25 copies 'forlorn (endless longing)' c-20 with impregnable (monorail; 2005/7) edition of 100 copies 'untitled' c-10 with ex-jesus (monorail; 2005/10) edition of 100 copies 'live at black lion' one-sided c-60 with oscillating innards (lame cunts imagination; 2005/11) edition of 7 copies 'untitled' c-10 with maim (iatrogenesis; 2006/5) edition of 100 copies 'untitled' c-10 with privy seals (monorail; 2006/5) edition of 100 copies 'untitled' c-10 with powdered wigs (hate state; 2006/10) edition of 100 copies |
collaborative works | 'untitled' CD-r with metrocide (monorail / 23 productions; 2003/9) edition of 50 copies 'red head' one-sided c-90 with prurient (rrrecords; 2004/9) edition of 48 copies future blondes '// angele l// ' LP (breathing problem productions) 'angele los (children ov star* s.t.t.c.)' edition of 100 copies clipping. 'there existed an addiction to blood' 2xLP/CD/CS (sub pop; 2019/10) 'attunement' unlimited edition clipping. 'visions of bodies being burned' 2xLP/CD/CS (sub pop; 2020/10) 'secret piece' unlimited edition |
compilations | 'let it snow' 2xCD-r (zaftig research; 2000/8) "rudolf the rednoise reindeer" edition unknown '2 ducks on a truck' 2xCD-r (hospital productions; 2001/?) "JEW (collaboration with prurient)" edition of 50 copies 'unwelcomed or ignored: the 2001 norcal noisefest performance compilation' CD (super art media; 2001/10) "switchboard failure: with contempt" edition of 500 copies 'noisefest 2003 commemorative coaster' CD-r (super art media; 2003/10) "she's out having fun tonight" edition of 500 copies 'strident underbelly' DVD-r (ouch my eyeball films; 2005/2) "live 2004/7/19" edition unknown 'nitro dragsters' 2xCD-r (militant walls; 2005/10) "silhouette" edition of 100 copies 'naked, bruised' c-10 (callow god sound; 2005/11) "appeal" edition of 100 copies 'the swamp comp, vol. III' 2xcd-r (swamp of pus; 2006/2) "live 2005/8/06" edition unknown 'sacramento audio waffle, Vol. 1' DVD-r (SLON; 2006/4) "live 2006/1/29" edition unknown 'la noisescape' CD (bastardized; 2006/7) "intrigued by her stare" edition of 1000 copies 'love interrupts. a dada drumming sampler' CD (dada drumming; 2006/8) "devoid (i will never be alright)" edition of 1000 copies; promotional 'rare youth' 2xCD (rare youth; 2006/10) "you will not treat me this way" edition of 1000 copies 'like a frog in winter' LP + 7" (hospital productions; 2008/12) "consequence" edition of 500 copies 'all together now' soundtrack cs (2013/5) "combustion," "the flutter" edition unknown; promotional |
remixes | deadly pedestrian 'jimmy, you'll always be ok' c-8 (dada drumming) first edition of 100 copies; anonymously distributed (2004/1) second edition of 100 copies; traditionally distributed (2004/7) oscillating innards 'cancerite' CD-r (iatrogenesis; 2004/3) 'boonville (noisomeness atmospherics medley)' edition unknown |
miscellaneous | viodre 'interpol alchemi' CD (hospital productions; 2011/10) contributor of source material, uncredited edition of 500 copies various 'nothing left now' CD-r (kalifornialoveaddiction; 2001/6) contributor of source material; viodre edition unknown sewer election 'an ode to reality' c-20 (chondritc sound; 2005/2) contributor of source material edition of 67 copies |